Graphics Benchmarking

GFXBench – Unified 3D graphics benchmark based on GLBenchmark and DXBenchmark

Formerly known as GLBenchmark and DXBenchmark, GFXBench is our overall 3D graphics benchmark tool that makes cross-platform and cross-API comparison of GPUs in smartphones, tablets and laptops easier than ever. GFXBench merges our popular OpenGL (ES) benchmark GLBenchmark and DirectX/Direct3D benchmark DXBenchmark into one application available for all popular platforms and provides comparable scores in a single results database with a clearly comprehensible and easy-to-use layout.

The benchmark includes console-quality high-level 3D animations (T-Rex HD and Egypt HD) and low-level graphics measurements. With high vertex count and complex effects such as motion blur, parallax mapping and particle systems, the engine of GFXBench stresses GPUs in order provide users a realistic feedback on their device.

GFXBench has been successfully tested on major operating systems including iOS, Android, Linux, Win32, Windows 8, Windows Phone and Windows RT.